If you are a full time undergraduate student at Imperial College London you are invited to apply to the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP). The available UROP projects are advertised by the corresponding supervisors here: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/urop/how-to-get-involved/academic-entries-adverts/engineering/


Students can apply to receive a bursary (funding) for the duration of their UROP project. The bursary will provide the student with a contribution towards their living costs for 6-12 weeks while undertaking a research experience within Imperial College during the summer of 2016. More information: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/students/fees-and-funding/undergraduate-funding/loans-and-grants/funding-for-placements/urop/


The deadline to submit an application for funding is usually in March every year.


Dr Petar Kormushev is available to supervise undergraduate students for a UROP project on topics related to robotics and machine learning. Interested applicants should contact him by e-mail.

Example UROP project description

Title: Robotics and Machine Learning UROP
Description: Depending on the skills and interests of the student, this UROP project could include designing a new robot, creating it using 3D printing, and controlling it. The main focus is on novelty – coming up with a novel robot design, or novel robot controller, or novel way to manufacture a robot, such as a robot arm or a mobile robot. In terms of software, the focus is on applying Machine Learning methods for the flexible control of a robot, and to allow the robot to learn new skills from experience. The topic is quite flexible and will be defined in collaboration with the student. Requirements:Basic knowledge of robotics, software programming skills, creativity.

How to apply

Please follow the instructions here: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/urop/how-to-get-involved/how-to-apply/

Contact us

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Address: 25 Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2DB
LinkedIn of Petar Kormushev